Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Lady Gaga’s Shades Collection With Linda Farrow And More With Forever 21

There’s no stopping Lady Gaga from conquering the world. Taking it one radio at the time, now one collection after another.
After witnessing that madder-than-your-average-Tarantino-flick Telephone video (and having to put up with a real chase of Illuminati symbols throughout the short film in the weeks following the launch), Lady Gaga’s fashion self surfaces in not one but two rumored collections. Both connected to the phone thang. Forever 21 is preparing a t-shirts capsule collection with Brian Lichtenberg whose yellow tape body wrap was seen in the above-mentioned video (no word as to what’s Lady Gaga’s name doing in all this).
The second collection tied to Lady Gaga’s name is a sunglasses collection with Linda Farrow. No further details are available, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed for the collection (if proved to be real) to be wearable and un-harming. (entre nous, weren’t you always dreaming about a yellow tape tee?) (via 1, 2, photos via)

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